Rwanda Innovation Challenge – Call for Proposals


In collaboration with its partners, the National Council for Science and Technology (NCST) would like to invite interested youth, students, scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs to submit innovation proposals under the Rwanda Innovation Challenge, RIC.

The RIC is a scheme established under the National Research and Innovation Fund (NRIF) that is aimed at strengthening national innovation capacity and promoting technology breakthroughs by enabling innovators access much needed technical and financial support in various areas including ideation, developing prototypes, testing, commercializing technologies as well as securing intellectual property (IP).

This is in line with the Government of Rwanda’s seven (7) year National Strategy for Transformation (NST1, 2017-2024). NST1 underscores the need to support youth, women and priority sub-sectors with the aim of creating decent and productive jobs for economic development, and contributing to Rwanda’s prospect of becoming a Knowledge Based Economy.

Call Summary :

Theme :

Promotion of Innovation Capacities and fostering technology breakthroughs

Focus :

Ideation, developing prototypes, testing, commercializing, and intellectual property

Areas :

Health, Agriculture, Energy, Industry, Mining, Environment, ICT, and Climate Change

Grant Categories :

Technical Support, Piloting/Commercialization and Intellectual Property support

Eligible applicants :

Rwandan youth, students, scientists, researchers, and innovators

Targeted Innovation proposals :

Original Ideas, Solutions and Products

Grant period :

Up to 24 months (2019-2020)

Grant amount per project :

Technical Support (up to 2,500,000 Rwf), Piloting and Commercialization (up to 10,000,000 Rwf) and Intellectual Property support (up to 3,000,000 Rwf) depending on the stage of maturity of the proposed innovation

Deadline for Submission of Proposals :

Tuesday, 30th April 2019 (no later than 17:00 hours)

Publication of award for successful proposals :

Friday, 31st May 2019

Required information for application :

Download required information for application (Note : Use the below link to submit application)

For more information :

Send an email at or call 0788571000 Or 0788410590


Click here to submit your application