Research Cooperation for Socioeconomic Transformation – Impact of 20 years of Research Cooperation between Rwanda and Sweden



Research Cooperation for Socioeconomic Transformation – Impact of

20 years of Research Cooperation between Rwanda and Sweden


Wednesday 22nd of March





Check in and registration


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


08:50 – 09:00

Welcome and presentation of the programme


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


09:00 – 09:30

A glance of the Sweden- Rwanda research cooperation and its impact on the socioeconomic transformation in Rwanda


A Journey of transformation


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


09:30 – 10:30


Agriculture, food security and climate change in Rwanda – the role of research and innovation


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


11:00– 12:00

Health and life sciences research past, present and future perspectives


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


12:05 – 14:00



Serena Hotel

14:00 – 15:00

Gender in science and leadership for transforming institutions

Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


15:00 – 17:30


Bilateral program for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations


For all other delegates network/ program team meetings



18:30 – 20:30

Cocktail and mingle hosted by the University of Rwanda


Ubumwe Grande Hotel

Thursday 23rd of March






Pick up from hotel – Transport to Kigali Genocide Memorial - Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only



08:00 – 10:00


Courtesy visit and laying flowers to Kigali Genocide Memorial – for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only


Kigali Genocide Memorial


Coffee and networking for other delegates

Kigali Genocide Memorial

10:30 – 10:40


Welcome remarks by the Vice Chancellor


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


10:40 – 10:50 

Welcome remarks by H.E Sweden’s Ambassador to Rwanda


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


10:50 – 11:00


Welcome remarks by Guest of Honour


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village



Social cohesion after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi

Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village



11:45 – 12:30


The economy, development, and inclusion in Rwanda

Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


12:45 – 14:30


Lunch for all delegates


For Swedish Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations lunch with :

· Vice Chancellor University of Rwanda

· Min Valentine Uwamariya Minister of Education

· Min Paula Ingabire Minister of ICT and Innovation

· Executive Secretary National Council for Science and Technology

· CEO Rwanda Development Board





Serena Hotel

14:30 – 16:30


Field visit to selected SMEs – Rwanda Development Board (RDB) – for Swedish Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only


For all other delegates network/ program team meetings





Free time





Pick up from Hotel – Transport to Swedish Residence



18:30 – 20:30


Reception hosted by H.E Ambassador Teague


Swedish Residence

Friday 24th of March






Pick up from hotel – Transport to conference venue



8:30 – 10:00

The impact of science and innovation on economic growth


Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village


10:00 – 10:30

Closing remarks and reflection on a new road map for Sweden – Rwanda cooperation on research and innovation



11:00 – 12:30


Visit to Kigali Innovation City – for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only



13:00 – 14:00




14:00 –





15:30 – 17.00

Fika at the Swedish Residence -  for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only


Swedish residence

17:00 –


Transport to Airport - for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations only


Swedish residence

*Check out from the hotel for Vice Chancellors and Heads of delegations traveling on Friday 24th of March

Download the programme